Test Prep & College Readiness

At The Genius Village, we start early to prepare students for standardized tests and college readiness, ensuring they feel confident and capable every step of the way.

Test Prep

Our customized programs build foundational skills to help students succeed on standardized exams.

Support Areas Include:

  • SAT and ACT prep.
  • AP Exams and subject-specific guidance.
  • IB (International Baccalaureate) exam preparation.
  • Key Features:
  • Early Introduction: Start building skills in middle school to develop strong reading
  • comprehension and analytical thinking.
  • Personalized Plans: Focused on individual strengths.
  • Practice Tests: Regular feedback to track improvement.
Hand of man holding ballpoint pen and answering questionary form. Male student sitting at table and writing test
Hand of man holding ballpoint pen and answering questionary form. Male student sitting at table and writing test

College Readiness

We guide families through the complex college application process, from school selection to polished submissions.

Services Include:

Why Choose The Genius Village?

Start Early, Stay Ahead